It's all about the color indigo this month.
I do not have a lot indigo in my scrap stash but I managed to come up with these few blocks. They are as close as I could get to indigo. I like the Roosevelt's Bow Tie block best. It went together super fast. I like it a lot. It's shown front and center.
I had to do some tweaking with the cutting instructions for the center Bullseye Block for it to finish at 6 1/2 inches. It's the one on the far right. I just switched my center block to a 2 1/2 inch square and adjusted my strips accordingly. Easy Peasy. No Problem.
I am using my Easy Angle and Companion Ruler for my HST's and Flying geese units.
Click on over to SoScrappy to see what we're all up to this week.
July Blocks too!
Lantern Blocks
My quilting bee is also having an ongoing quilt block blitz. The rules are simply. Just make Red, White and Blue star blocks. Any kind and just about any size. Our plan is to get together and sew them all into a few quilts to donate here locally.
My design board all loaded up.

I'm using a new technique I found. No-Waste flying geese. I found it at Generations Quilt Patterns website. I like it for small units. My blocks are 6 1/2 inch.