Craziest snow photo I've ever seen

Just a few miles from my house.  
This photo has gone viral on the internet

found @twitchy

Hour by Hour

Just for the fun of it, I thought I'd document our snow event.
It started around 12:30 p.m.  My kids are stuck in gridlock traffic trying to get home from work.
(UPDATE:  it took them 4 hours to get to their houses)

12:30 p.m.

1:30 p.m.

 2:30 p.m.

As long as we have power and daylight, I'll upload a picture every hour.

I have a little work in progress for my Quiltville Hearts group to share with you.  These hearts a great fun to make and really only take up a teeny tiny bit of fabric.   This is a great free pattern from

3:30 p.m.  
I guess I needed to bring in my pillows from the screened porch

4 inches.  

4:30 p.m.
4 1/2 inches.  Ya'll gotta realize that's a lot for us Southerners.

Progress on my Hearts!

5:30 p.m. to 6:30

6 inches for this first round

A few kids are sledding down our hill.
We have the best hill in the neighborhood.
They seem to love it when its dark.  There will be no plows around here for a while, if at all.  That just doesn't happen here.

"Snow" = no bread, milk or eggs

I'm not sure what we'll get, but I am ready.  

The bread and milk aisles were almost empty at the grocery store when I got there around 3 o'clock this afternoon.  The check-out lines were about 30-35 minutes long.  Typical for a storm of this magnitude.  We haven't had a storm of this strength since 2000.   That was the "Blizzard of the Century." 

I made this challah before we lose any power here.  Braiding bread is a new technique that I'd like to get better at.  I like how this round loaf turned out. 

See ya soon.  
Keep warm and safe everyone in Winter Storm Pax's track.  Keep your fingers crossed that we don't lose power or any trees decide to come down through the roof.  

I guess I'll work on my hexies if that happens.

Celtic Solstice

I finished my quilt top just a few days ago.  I put myself into a month-long hibernation and worked on Bonnie Hunters Mystery pretty much non-stop.

I stated working on my quilt right around the beginning of January.  It's been a pretty neat winter here for me.  I love the cold and I love the snow.  When we get the white powdery stuff here in the South, life stops.  I don't go out anywhere and make-do with what food and goodies we have here.  

It's fun to get creative making soups, stoups and stews.  I also got re-acquainted with my bread machine.  There is nothing like the aroma of a fresh loaf of bread baking.  

I also used my AccuQuilt cutter almost exclusively for my triangles.  

Amazing how our weather can go from almost 60 degrees to under 32 in one day.