I'm not sure what we'll get, but I am ready.
The bread and milk aisles were almost empty at the grocery store when I got there around 3 o'clock this afternoon. The check-out lines were about 30-35 minutes long. Typical for a storm of this magnitude. We haven't had a storm of this strength since 2000. That was the "Blizzard of the Century."
I made this challah before we lose any power here. Braiding bread is a new technique that I'd like to get better at. I like how this round loaf turned out.
See ya soon.
Keep warm and safe everyone in Winter Storm Pax's track. Keep your fingers crossed that we don't lose power or any trees decide to come down through the roof.

Your challah is beautiful. It would be interesting to see what breads were remaining on the shelves. Quilt on!! Save the hand work in case the electricity goes out.