Welcome to my turn for Day 6
Go! Ahead and Show Some Love Blog Hop
I hope you enjoy your visit.
Here is what I'd like to share with you.
I used the 2 1/2" finished HST's that are on the Value Die which come with the Accuquilt Go! I think it is the most versatile die and I love it!
I made a traditional Lady of the Lake
2-Color Red & White scrappy BIG quilt
First I started with a stack of reds and a bolt of Kona white
You will see my finished and quilted quilt at the end of this posting. Be patient. LOL
I cut strips of red and white fabric right sides together and laid them on my Accuquilt Cutter die.
Usually I do about 4 layers per cutting session. Some people do more but I like to take it easy on the blades.
Then I chain-pieced until I couldn't see or sit straight anymore
My pattern called for 720 HST's. I wanted my quilt big. You can adjust your quilt size to suit your fancy. I just like 'em big. SO nice to snuggle up into.
I forgot to take some photos along the way, but you will just love the outcome anyway. I hope.
Block one done, just 35 more to go!
You can arrange these blocks to give you many different setting options too!
Ta Da!
Here is my giveaway for my hosting day and a special Buy-One, Get One Free Pattern offer on any of the Red & White Quilt patterns in my store until the end of the month.
A Machine Embroidered Needlecase with a set of John James needles is my Giveaway. Just leave a little bit of Love! Go! for It.