I said "Yes"
To this wonderful man in Marine Corps Whites!!
Celebrating last night being married for 29 years. Wow! How time flies. It does seem like it was just yesterday that we spent our honeymoon night at the Surf and Sand Hotel in Laguna Beach, CA.
Time marches on, kids grow up, our family is growing. I still heart that man like no other!

Quiet dinners, romantic dinners, silly dinners, boring dinners, alone dinners because of travel commitments (that will never happen again), crying baby dinners, silly and serious cards, Godiva chocolates every year, poems, teeny trips here and there, tears and memories just thinking about how lucky two people are.
This is my Tuesday Treasure.
If you want to make collages too, you can. With Picnik! Up until April 19th. Then they go bye-bye. I am not really sure why. After that, I'll find another collage editing program I am sure

Happy Anniversary!