All right y'all,
Today was the day for me to come out of my hibernation stage and hit Jo-Ann Fabrics for that wonderful selection of the 21 new Denyse Schmidt fabrics. You know, the new high-end fabric that you can now get Jo-Anns. Let's be truthful here, I am not a Jo-Anns frequent customer. I'd rather shop my stash or local quilt shops. Or better yet, use the stuff that I get in Houston every year.
But come on now, a NEW Denyse Schmidt collection only available at Jo-Ann Fabrics. Let's be honest. I couldn't resist.

It feels nice. It really does.
{image from Heather Ross blog}
After snagging a yard of each of the only remaining 11 bolts that they had. I am a happy camper. Okay, I need to be honest again, I'd love me some "Happy Camper" fabric from Heather Ross too. Why didn't I buy it when I worked at a quilt shop? I am kicking myself now.
{Change of Subject}Letting me have a nice stay at home rainy-kinda-day wasn't on Mother Nature's mind today. When I stepped out of the fabric store, it was very eerie outside. The wind was a blowin' and a storm was coming.

I had to get home quick. The closer I got to home, the more nervous I got. Stuff was falling from the sky. Like building stuff, roof stuff, tree stuff, lots of stuff!!!!
Mother Nature thought it would be better to have 11 tornadoes here in my neck of the woods.
I called my kids and said don't go anywhere. We're due to have a tornado at 3:26 p.m. I cleared out our hall closet for our "safe" interior place to stay if it hit here. I watched the news as it got closer and closer. Our power was flickering on and off. Hail came like the size of large peas, wind like you can't imagine, the rain was horizontal and then it stopped. Then the sun came out.
There is some pretty bad damage all around and a few people have lost their lives. Events like this really put things in perspective for me, like my commitment to make the lives of some very special people (our military families) just a tad bit easier is even more solidified. I will keep doing what I am for all of ya'll.
Mother Nature
You can't mess with her.